Hen cracked egg. Need help!

It has been peeping/making small chick vocalizations for more than 24 hours how off and on. Oddly, we go out to the other eggs that the hen is still sitting on and they don’t seem to be making any noise at all. Just this one. Perhaps it started making noise prematurely because it had its egg cracked?
This is not my idea of a stress free time. I wish we had an incubator, that way we could at least know that the humidity level is adequate.
A couple more questions: 1. If the chick is making vocalizations, that means that it has broken through the membrane inside and accessed the air pocket correct? 2. If it has accessed the internal air pocket what are the time frames we are now dealing with? The pocket can provide sufficient air for how long...3 days? What is the typical time frame for when the chick would normally create the external hard shell hole after it has punctured through the internal membrane accessing the air pocket? Thanks
Update: We now see that at least one of the eggs under the hen is hatching. It has an external hole in the egg shell. So the chick/egg that we have in the house can’t be too far off.

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