Hen dealing with backwards chicks


Mar 31, 2020
Delaware County (near Philly), PA
I had a broody bantam chochin, and I don't have a rooster (township ordinance), so I got her 7 fertilized silkie eggs. She was a very good mama and now we have 5 silkie chicks that follow her around. The issue is that the chicks, as silkies, are rather delayed and of course will never fly. Now that they are almost 3 weeks old, the mama keeps trying to get them to fly and to go up the ramp into the main coop. She spends hours showing them how to walk up the ramp and clucking at them. However, the silkies just look at her like she is crazy and will not even attempt the ramp. Our coop also has a 2nd level and the mama hen tries to get them to fly up there. Of course, they don't. I feel bad for the mama hen. Was it cruel of me to give her all silkie chicks? I just imagine her wondering where she went wrong as a mother.



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The ramp is a tad steep but my one silkie hen can navigate it fine. She is trying to help with the babies and she will demonstrate the ramp to them, to no avail. Unfortunately owing to the spacing and layout the ramp can't be made longer.
I don't think watching other hens use it will be enough. You need to physically set them on the ramp so they can figure out how to either go up or down. Offer them treats on the ramp so the associate it with something positive.

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