Hen didn't get the memo...


Scarborough Fair
7 Years
Jul 3, 2016
WA, Pac NW
My Coop
My Coop
Guess Daisy, one of my 18 month old hens, didn't get the memo that days are continuing to grow shorter, as she resumed laying today. I can't say it's a total surprise as she's been following me around the last few days and squatting very insistently in front of me, but I've never had a hen resume laying before winter solstice. :confused:

Can't complain as I'm down to about 30 eggs!
I don't know who all is doing it but some of mine started a couple months ago and I'm getting 8 a day now and 3 went broody. I'm guessing it's some of this years hatch. I have 40 hens.
Wow! That's wonderful! I was having some days of 0 eggs here and I've got close to the same number as you. My SLW, Calico Princess, Easter Egger, Serama, Dutch Bantam, OEGB, Silkie, NN/Cochin mix, Svarthöna, and a barnyard mix of unknown origins have all resumed laying somewhat. They're definitely not laying on a regular basis but these hens have started laying a little bit within the last week or two. Hopefully you'll be getting many more eggs by the end of the year 💜
My ladies haven't gotten the memo either. With days shortening, the molted girls are laying again and the pullets are coming online.

I got 10 eggs today.
That's wonderful! I know your girls are enjoying this gorgeous weather we're having. All seasons in a matter of a week or two. Typical NC ☺️
I've been culling to reduce flock size. My main buyer isn't buying. Its been a struggle all summer to get 16, 18 in a day. Yesterday? 25. The day before? 22. Today was ONLY 18.

Chickens. They lay when they are going to lay. No explaining it.

Congrats to your girl on her success, time to dust off the egg recipes for winter. Might I suggest... Eggnog?
I've been culling to reduce flock size. My main buyer isn't buying. Its been a struggle all summer to get 16, 18 in a day. Yesterday? 25. The day before? 22. Today was ONLY 18.

Chickens. They lay when they are going to lay. No explaining it.

Congrats to your girl on her success, time to dust off the egg recipes for winter. Might I suggest... Eggnog?

I love real eggnog. My family insists on the over-sweet, custardy storebought version.

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