Hen died suddenly, but I don't exactly know why or what happened.

The Welch Chickens

Premium Feather Member
Mar 18, 2023
Rhode Island
My hen Cinnamon just passed away yesterday afternoon. :hit

We were outside supervising their free range, just as usual, when she laid down in the shade and her head started drooping and popping back up, again and again. Looked like she was falling asleep. Super pale comb and wattles. I picked her up (which she never lets us do) and rushed her in the house. When I went in (20 seconds later, maybe?) she started having spasms with her eyes closed. By the time I got downstairs, she had stopped moving and her eyes were closed. I tried to get some honey and electrolyte water into her beak and revive her, but she was gone.

I'm still in shock. It happened so fast.

It was relatively hot yesterday (the hottest we've had so far this year, but not as hot as they've been through), around 85 degrees hottest and about 75 at that time. They had plenty of water all day and everyone was acting normal; we noticed nothing out of the ordinary until she laid down.

As soon as she passed, we put all the adult hens back into the run and gave them fresh electrolyte/honey water and blueberries. Everyone was perfectly fine, no pale combs. We put the juveniles (we are integrating them into the flock using a new coop/run addition) back into their garage brooder with fresh water and doors open for a breeze. They all looked a bit hot, as their outdoor section of the run was in blazing sun, but cooled down once they were in the garage. Everyone made it through the night normally.

So what happened to my poor Cinnamon?
So what happened to my poor Cinnamon?
There is no way to know without opening her up. Either an informal necropsy or send her to your state lab to find out.

I'm sorry you lost her. It is certainly the least pleasant aspect of chicken keeping.
I’m sorry you lost your girl. I lost mine in a very similar way 3 weeks ago. Fine one moment, in distress 1.5 hours later, and dead 2 hours after that.

I’ll never know why, but suspect a drop in calcium due to being egg bound.
The flock is doing well. I'm monitoring them closely, but no signs of any issues.

I was thinking... why did she start flailing/having spasms when I brought her into the house? Her eyes were closed at the time, so I don't think she was simply struggling to get out of my arms.

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