Hen feathers turned white and then she died.


Jul 19, 2016
My Coop
My Coop
i figure this is probably one of those random chicken deaths, but I haven’t seen anything that matched this, so I thought I’d post it and see if anyone has suspicions.

My 2.5 year old campine’s feathers started turning white in August. I thought she might be early to molt. They got increasingly more white, but she didn’t seem to lose any. Today when she didn’t come out to range with the others, I found her flat on her back in the nest box with her feet stretched out and her neck twisted under her.

I have a newborn and was (still am) home alone and didn’t want to handle a dead bird while carrying the baby, so unfortunately she’s still in the coop...but it didn’t look from the glance I took like she had any injuries and yesterday she was being her usual self. I know chickens are really good at hiding illness, but this is my first bird loss and I’m wondeing if whatever this is could be contagious.

I’m attaching a picture I took of her a few weeks ago. She turned whiter since then.


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Sorry for your loss. It would be hard to say what killed your hen without a necropsy, but molting can be a very stressful time for them. Many people report that their chickens’ feathers may come in a different color or white after molting. Sometimes it is hard to tell if they are molting if they lose a few feathers as new ones come in. Here is a thread about another chicken’s feathers turning white:
She was eating well, they free range most days and get new organics feed and kitchen/garden scraps when we have them- they recently got sweet potato peelings and cabbage ends. No new birds, I got them all together in 2016. No mite or lice issues that I’m aware of. The other 4 are healthy (as far as I can tell- will be watching especially for the next few days) and done molting.
She was eating well, they free range most days and get new organics feed and kitchen/garden scraps when we have them- they recently got sweet potato peelings and cabbage ends. No new birds, I got them all together in 2016. No mite or lice issues that I’m aware of. The other 4 are healthy (as far as I can tell- will be watching especially for the next few days) and done molting.
Look them over real well for lice and or mites.
It’s a grain mix. I fill their feeder most days (although not if they’ve free ranged and gotten kitchen scraps) and have a scoop that I’ve weighed out, so I know that about .25lb per bird is what’s going in.

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