Hen fine one day then the next can't stand or walk.


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 15, 2014

We have lost three hens in the last two months the last one just today, all less then a year old. They seem very alert, eating drinking just can't walk or stand. When we brought them in the house and nursed them in about two weeks they seemed to be better getting up waking. But when we put them back into the hen house the next day they were dead. There were no wounds of any kind that we could find on any of them. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this strange condition?
I don't think that's possible we live on a 90 acre farm and are hens are no where near the road. The effected hens were in a cop with a covered run a good 15 minute walk from the road.

We have lost three hens in the last two months the last one just today, all less then a year old. They seem very alert, eating drinking just can't walk or stand. When we brought them in the house and nursed them in about two weeks they seemed to be better getting up waking. But when we put them back into the hen house the next day they were dead. There were no wounds of any kind that we could find on any of them. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this strange condition?

I'm sorry for your loss:hugs

You have received some good suggestions.
Since you have lost several in such a short period of time, it would be a good idea to send a bird for testing the next time you lose one. You don't have your state listed - so here's a link for the state labs https://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_health/nahln/downloads/all_nahln_lab_list.pdf
No. We had the layers for 4 years now and this is the first time we have ever encountered this issue.
I'm in Canada. I will check with my vet and see where I can get one tested.

Thanks for the suggestions.

And thanks to all of you who have sent me a response.

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