Hen going blind in one eye

I had a partially sighted chicken, and developed some tactics for helping her. You may find the article I wrote about it useful if your hen's blindness progresses to her having difficulty finding food.
Thank you! I stumbled upon this yesterday, looking for advice, and it’s quite helpful. So far she’s been able to find her food, but I know she’s been losing some weight.
Beef liver or tuna has plenty of vitamin A. A small bit daily could be good as long as she is getting mostly chicken feed. Also here is a poultry vitamin that has A, other vitamins, and probiotics without unneeded electrolytes:
https://www.chewy.com/rooster-booster-booster-pellet/dp/260020?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12691112293&utm_content=Rooster Booster&utm_term=&gclid=CjwKCAjw-7OlBhB8EiwAnoOEkxFvF1vJxtOt0VQkV8JtQEbRcrwdCMcHYH6_iclxOqwNT7bx9fKz-BoCR0kQAvD_BwE
Thank you! I’ll definitely look into that. Though electrolytes wouldn’t hurt right now, as the temperatures are in the hundreds.
I thought I'd give an update on how Gidgy's doing. She's quite blind now, and can barely see anything. She's still finding food and water all right, and somehow can get into a nesting box. Her method of getting on the roost is kind of scary though, she just flies straight into the air and hopes she lands on it. She generally makes it, but sometimes lands on another chicken, which is quite hilarious. I'm thinking of making it lower, so it'll be easier for her and also for my heavier hens to get up and down from.

Honestly, this little hen is still loving life. She's a happy little chicken, always the first to greet me in the morning, and loves to perch on my foot. I only let her free range while I'm out there watching, because I'm afraid if a hawk came, she wouldn't see it. The rooster gives quite the warning, but she just freezes wherever she is.

Anyway, thank you for the help of everyone who replied here, and I hope my experience can help someone else.

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