Hen has bare butt-no feathers.


10 Years
Jan 28, 2009
Welcome, NC
One of my hens that I bought already laying, has a totally bare butt! It looks a little red, not much. I am so new to chickens. Is there a great book that makes doctoring simple to understand? BTW my hens are not tame. Catching one is a real challenge.
Make sure she doesn't have mites.
I have a 5 year old hen that's had a bare butt for about 4 years. I don't think feathers will ever grow there. She's low man on the totem pole and once a hen starts getting pecked in a certain area, it just keeps going on and on. You might try rubbing her behind with Vick's Vapo Rub. That keeps other chickens away........but you have to keep it up until feathers grow back. Good luck.
I have a Barred Rock who's butt is just like that. She always had the worst poopy butt, and I thought she pulled out the feathers - trying to get the poop off. I'm hoping they'll grow back in after she molts.? Not sure.
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I also have a hen who just developed a featherless butt. It's kind of messy too. I've been sponge bathing her rear. Also she stopped laying couple months ago. There's no mites or any sign of bugs on her and the other ladies seem to be fine. The bald butt one eats and drinks normally too. Does anyone know how to remedy her loss of plumage and maybe a way to get her laying again?

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