Hen has gone quiet all of a sudden.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 10, 2014
Morning all,

One of my Light sussex Hens has decided to go very quiet - She use to be a chirpy lady, but now she seems to stay in one area of the run and not make any noise at all.

She was sat in the coop for about 20 minutes - Only came out to drink some water and grab some food, and she's right now still standing by the feeders, the other 2 hens ( I have 3 ) are absolutely fine, lively as ever!

I gave a thorough inspection, her vent area was slightly messy but gave it a quick clean, her legs are fine, Feathers are in tact, no mucus in the mouth, she's not sneezing - nothing.

Any advice - Should I just wait a little longer to see how she is in a day or two?

Update; She's been sat in the coop for the past 4 hours since my last post. She's moved out once to drink water and then goes back. I've hand fed her pieces of bread which she only took a few.... Her eyes are still bright and alert, she reacts well, - She shows no signs of trauma or illness ... is it possibly she's eggbound?

2 hens are laying, and I think she is the one who isn't, though I~ can't confirm, this because I've only been getting eggs the last 5 days or so and yet to determine which hens are laying.
Still no advice?

Let the girls out this morning, and she didn't even nudge and now she wont eat.....
Hello I'm got this with one of my girls for the past two days she stays perched in the coop, she trying to making noise but very quite, not eatting or drinking n her poop it runny yellow colour? Any ideas what this could be, before now usually very lively!
See any lice around her vent? That can make them feel miserable. Is her comb a normal red? On cold days my old rooster would get a purple comb, poor circulation, and needed some time in a warm corner of the house to come to rights. I don't have a lot of experience with sick hens, so hoping better minds will weigh in.
No lice around the vent, her crop isn't swollen, her Wattles and comb bright red, eyes vivid and colourful, feathers in tact, tail doesn't drop her wings are perfectly fine -not dropped - legs are okay, not crusty... she just isn't making noise, isn't eating much and sits in the nest box most the time.

I have a feeling she's eggbound....
Gear ur symptoms sound like mine, also no lice, red comb, clear eyes n nose, her crop is empty as she's not eatting, walks ok however looks weak, (no energy-not eatting)??
I'm not the most experienced person around but have had similar situations. It seems chickens can have all kinds of illness and die. I rarely know why. I don't really think they have very long lifespans.
Are you sure they haven't gone broody? I had one who didn't have any eggs and went broody.
In general I try to make sure they have food, water and a comfortable environment to see if they will get through it. If you hear rasping it could be respiratory and I have pulled one chicken through with antibiotics.
Good luck.
If she is egg bound you might be able to feel it and maybe massage the area with a warm washcloth or a lubricating jelly? Sometimes some chickens just need a spell in a cardboard box in a safe closed room in the house with a fuzzy towel, a heat lamp, scrambled eggs, and milky wheat bread heated up in the microwave.

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