Hen has paralyzed leg, what could it be?


Jul 22, 2019
I have a Rhode island red hen that has a limp leg. I got home and went to put them in and she was in the barn area outside of the coop laying against the wall. My coop is inside the barn with a door to the outside but I have a winter area on the inside part of the barn also. I have a roost 3-4 feet of the ground in the winter area. She could have gotten hurt jumping up or down possibly. The leg will move freely with no resistance. When I pull it up to her chest the toes curl in a little but but not much. Her other leg, tail, and wings all work I have seen her use all of them. I'm assuming it wasn't a predator attack because she dient seem stressed and ate and drank fine. No blood. The leg was also allitle cold. When I was moving the leg her other leg was shaking (from pain?), she didn't squwak or fight me. I'm concerned about mareks disease but I have never lost a hen to any sickness or something I couldn't identify. No new hens in the flock since I started. If you have any questions to help me with this please ask
@Wyorp Rock @aart @Eggcessive
I hope that your girl gets better soon.
Please post pics, that would be helpful.
I don't really know what to take pictures of, this is how she was laying when I walked back into the barn after 20-30 min. Don't mind her feathers she is molting.


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Is she eating and drinking?
I hope that your girl gets better, I have no clue on why she's like that, though.
Ok yes, she is she is calm and aware, she might be one of the RIRs that were injured in the dog attack 7 months ago I know I had one with some holes in it's back mabey it reinjured. This isn't necessarily for you but just more info in general. I have delt with this before same symptoms from the dog attack except the other leg didn't shake. That hen started hobbleing 2 weeks later but the neighbors got another husky and it came back and finished the job of the first one. I made a sling for the other one but I don't know if it will work well now that it's cold I wouldn't want her leg to freeze.
Was just looking into Botulism, my dad fed my chickens a deer carcass that was a week or two old it has been cold, it had white spots on it here and there but wasn't really rotten. I will remove it tomorrow. If it is this then that hen should die tonight if she doesn't then I'm assuming she will get better and better.
I have a Rhode island red hen that has a limp leg. I got home and went to put them in and she was in the barn area outside of the coop laying against the wall. My coop is inside the barn with a door to the outside but I have a winter area on the inside part of the barn also. I have a roost 3-4 feet of the ground in the winter area. She could have gotten hurt jumping up or down possibly. The leg will move freely with no resistance. When I pull it up to her chest the toes curl in a little but but not much. Her other leg, tail, and wings all work I have seen her use all of them. I'm assuming it wasn't a predator attack because she dient seem stressed and ate and drank fine. No blood. The leg was also allitle cold. When I was moving the leg her other leg was shaking (from pain?), she didn't squwak or fight me. I'm concerned about mareks disease but I have never lost a hen to any sickness or something I couldn't identify. No new hens in the flock since I started. If you have any questions to help me with this please ask
is this how she's walking?

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