Hen has redness in bewtween toes.


Mar 24, 2020
New Jersey
I've noticed this before but couldnt really rap my head around it. She has redness in between her toes. She was molting and probably still is. My only thought is my rooster and the entire flock at night pecks eachother feet to move but my rooster does it the hardest. She never sleeps next to him so idk how he could get her. Shes always in the same spot. No sign of mites or anything. I have this Blue ointment formula for chickens but it's her toes so itll get dirt stuck to it. Sorry the pictures are bad she wouldnt stop moving and when she did it was in the dark area lol


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I've noticed this before but couldnt really rap my head around it. She has redness in between her toes. She was molting and probably still is. My only thought is my rooster and the entire flock at night pecks eachother feet to move but my rooster does it the hardest. She never sleeps next to him so idk how he could get her. Shes always in the same spot. No sign of mites or anything. I have this Blue ointment formula for chickens but it's her toes so itll get dirt stuck to it. Sorry the pictures are bad she wouldnt stop moving and when she did it was in the dark area lol
I think that might be a mild case of scaly leg mites. Some of the scale edges are pulled up with black under the edges.

Sadly, scale mites are way too small to see. The mites live under the scale edges, chewing on the bird, and pooping. The black lines that raise up the scale edges are actually poop build-up.

Sooooo.... I would closely inspect all legs, see if that is what is going on.... then treat accordingly.
I think that might be a mild case of scaly leg mites. Some of the scale edges are pulled up with black under the edges.

Sadly, scale mites are way too small to see. The mites live under the scale edges, chewing on the bird, and pooping. The black lines that raise up the scale edges are actually poop build-up.

Sooooo.... I would closely inspect all legs, see if that is what is going on.... then treat accordingly.
Her scales arent up and there not scabby. She digs in dirt all day so maybe that's why the dark areas. I hope she doesnt have it or else I'll have to treat all of them. I can give you more pictures if u want to see. I really need to know she doesnt have it
:idunno Well, it looks to me like a few of those scales have pulled up edges....

But, those are just photos... so eh.....

I would suggest you take the time to look carefully at everyone's legs..

Or maybe catch up the one hen, and give her feet a good soak... . Clean her scales with a very soft toothbrush, good and gentle... and see what you see.
:idunno Well, it looks to me like a few of those scales have pulled up edges....

But, those are just photos... so eh.....

I would suggest you take the time to look carefully at everyone's legs..

Or maybe catch up the one hen, and give her feet a good soak... . Clean her scales with a very soft toothbrush, good and gentle... and see what you see.
The pulled scales may be from everyone pecking eachother feet at night. I posted a thread asking if she looks like she has leg mites with more pictures so if u want to check those pictures out go ahead. I'm really hoping she doesnt though. I will clean her feet tomrrow maybe

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