Hen hatched chicks -- feed question:


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 19, 2011
Northern California
We had to be out of town for a couple of weeks this month, so we just let our broody hen sit on her eggs instead of collecting like we normally do. Sure enough, we have some brand new chicks today and will probably have more as she's still sitting on some eggs.

My question is, should I get some medicated chick starter and place it nearby her so her chicks have access to it? I've only ever raises feed store chicks so I don't quite know what to do when they're hen raised.
It doesn't have to be medicated, In my opinion I don't like giving medicated feed to the mom anyway, But they will need chick starter as laying pellets, that much calcium, can be harmful to them. You'll either want to put her and her chicks in a seprate pen or switch the whole coop to starter, because even if you put it in a little cage that the chicks can get in, the other birds will find away to it and eat it all, They LOVE starter.

Congrats :celebrate on the new babies
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Right now she's been sitting on the eggs separately from the coop and the rest of the flock but that doesn't mean they won't try to eat it! I think I have a set up in mind that will keep the rest of the flock away, I just wasn't sure if they even needed something.
Off to the feed store!
If you want to keep everyone together you can feed the unmedicated starter or grower to the whole flock. Just put a bowl of oyster shell off to the side for your layers. This is fine for everyone.

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