Hen having trouble walking, swollen vent?


8 Years
Sep 25, 2011
San Diego
My 4-5 year old Rhode Island Red Hen is having trouble walking. She has been acting a bit strange for the last couple days but nothing too weird. However this morning she can hardly stand and limps low to the ground sprawling her wings out for support. She has had issues with her foot before, limping but we've always kept an eye on it and it comes and goes and has never progressed to anything serious. At first I thought it was her foot but after bathing her and applying pressure to both feet and not hearing a wimper or anything I'm thinking it's something else. I've read about impacted eggs and various issues with vents and I'm worried it may be something more internal. I haven't ever really looked at her back side/vent before in depth so I'm not sure if it's normal but it looks pretty raw and swollen. She seems to be pooping fine still and she hasn't been laying for upwards of 8 months so it doesn't seem likely to be an impacted egg. Also she is alert and eating although she does seem out of it. Here is a picture after bathing her so her feathers are still wet. There is no blood or puss or scabs that I can see. Just a little bit of hardened poop.

And here is a video of her attempting to walk..

Thanks so much for any advice.
I wouldn't check her for being egg bound, either, since she hadn't layed for several months. In the pic it looks like her abdomen is swollen and would feel fluid filled if handled. is this the case? If so, I'm afraid the likel explanations are not good, like cancer or internal laer.
Thank you both for your responses. We took her to the hospital and she is getting the fluid drained. After that we will just hope for the best. :/

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