Hen hunched over and looking sick! Please help!


In the Brooder
Dec 24, 2015
A few days ago a hawk got into my coop and killed one of my blind hen. My other three hens where cowering behind their waterer, and they were terrified. I'm not sure if this stressful event has anything to do with my hen acting odd but thought I should include it just in case.

I noticed one of my hens acting slightly odd. Her comb has turned a dark red/purple color and she seems like she is in pain. She is hunched over with her rear end closer to the ground than normal and she is rather tired. I have seen her eat and drink however she seems to not weigh as much as she used to. I went to check on her tonight and she seemed to not be doing so great. Someone please help!
I'm just posting in hopes that someone else with more experience chimes in. The purple color I've been told could be lack of oxygen. Maybe heart but see what others say. What's her poop look like.? Is she laying?how old is she? I'm sure others will ask more questions.
Your description could account for a few reasons...

If she is walking like a penguin...she may in fact be eggbound, if you suspect this you can bathe her in warm water and massage her gently from midway along her underside to her rear, is her cloaca pulsing at all? You can insert a gloved finger into her cloaca and feel for an egg;;;you should use a lubricant on your gloved finger to examine her internally.

A darkened comb is likely to be as a result of a respiratory problem...listen closely to her breathing...any rattling sounds?

Have you examined the inside of her mouth? Any lesions of a creamy/yellow colour...? If so it is likely to be a fungal infection.

If you can provide further details it would be helpful in attempting to diagnose the problem and offer suggestions of treatment

I'll check in later to see if you have posted any further details...
To just add to what the rest have said, I would wonder if she is not suffering from internal laying or egg yolk peritonitis. It can be common in hens that are older and not laying. The symptoms can be vague, but there can be lethargy, pain, not laying normally or sometimes watery droppings or "cooked egg-like" droppings, lack of appetite, wanting to sit around or walking like a penguin. Here are a few links about it to read:
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I brought her in to do a warm bath and rub underneath her like you said and she immediately started to drink. I am now wondering if she hasn't been drinking enough. I listened to her breathing and didn't hear anything unusual. I also checked inside beak and did not see anything unusual. I took pictures and will post them as soon as I can but she is still in the tub and I need to get back to her. I also noticed that her crop feels nearly empty.

In the first three photos I tried to show how she is hunching over. The fourth and fifth photos I tried to show the color of her comb. about 5 minutes after the sixth photo was taken she finally pooped, unfortunately into her bath water but pooped nonetheless. She immediately acted like she was feeling better. The last two photos are when I took her out of the tub and she was cleaning herself. I brought food in and she ate a little bit and now she is hunched over again. She is now fast asleep so im going to leave her there for a while to rest.
If you hear no noise from her breathing...I would suggest some reasons for her darkened comb and her stance

Check her for mites/lice...look closely at her vent and under her wings...any pale looking bugs ? Check the feathers at the base...any white looking eggs on the feather shafts?

Have you ever de wormed her and your other chickens... if you have others ?

I would keep her inside in a warm environment and see if she perks up...you can give her some scrambled egg and if you have any tuna fish it may be of benefit.. I will check to see if any experts are online that may offer further help...

Stay online I can send them a message on your behalf...
I'm noticing she is much perkier being inside. They have a heat lamp in the coop and she is always under it. She seems much more happy after she poops. And she eats and drinks when I come sit with her. But then she goes back to sleeping and she still seems hunched over. When I come in she is starting to make noises now and I think thats a good sign.

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