Hen is not acting normal self.

No. Bloating is ascites, fluid accumulation. It can be from a number of different things... cancer, reproductive problems, organ failure or infection. If she were mine, I’d treat aggressively with antibiotics. Enrofloxacin (Baytril) and hope it’s just an infection. Is an avian vet an option for you? They could drain some fluid to help determine the cause. So sorry. Can you tell if it’s firm, like pulled taut with fluid or if there could be something solid in there? Is her comb still bright red? She could be laying internally.
Does feel like could be fluid. Comb is not as bright other 2 possibly white specks on comb not sure if was that way before. Constantly open close mouth possibly trying to get air? Coop doesn’t have antibiotics s new laws passed and don’t really want to go the vet route. At what point should i end her life and how?
Thinking possible egg bound?
Got these possible treatments from my collected notes ...

Egg Ascites - tetracycline
Egg Bound - warm soak in Epsom Salt, Tums smashsed & keep in dark room, humidity, feel for egg w/ glove *****Suprelorin Implants ******
Egg Peritonitis - :( Tums, Calcium Citrate w/D3, Calcium Carbonate w/D3
Egg Salpingitis/Lash Egg - Baytril, Fish Mox, Enrofloxacin, Amoxicillin
What is best way to put chicken down?
What is best way to put chicken down?
This is what I use for euthanization.

Cervical Dislocation is shown in this video at about 1:00,
Click the 'Watch this video on YouTube'
it's the only CD video I've found that doesn't remove the head.

*Notice the slight divot in the ground under the stick and neck, this will keep the bird from being choked.

*Notice that she slowly stretches out the neck and legs before giving the short sharp jerk that breaks the neck close to the skull, this is key to success IMO.

I've found this technique to be very effective.

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