Hen just layer her second egg and has a swollen eye/face


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 27, 2013
Portland, OR
I'm new to chicken keeping. I've got a hen that I've raised from one day old and she just layed her first egg yesterday, then today I go out to the coop to find she's layed another egg but her eye is all swollen and she acts like she's sick (sitting on the roosting bar in the middle of a nice day). There also seems to be a little discharge coming from the swollen side nostril. I don't notice any odor. About 2 weeks ago we added 2 new hens that we bought from a local farm store (of course now that I've been on here I realize we should have quarantined!). I've got the sick hen in isolation and started her on tetracycline, I'm hoping she will pull through. Aside from the two new hens we have one rooster who was brooded with my sick girl, everyone else seems fine but I'm wondering if I should treat them, too? And how long after the tetracycline should I throw out her eggs (assuming she keeps laying)?
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If you already have bought tetracycline, fine, but I would get Tylan 50 if you haven't bought anything yet. It is 1/4 ml. for small chickens and banties, and 1/2 ml for large fowl given orally for 5 days or as a shot into breast muscle for 3 days. No withdrawal for eggs with Tylan.

Her eye is a little gunky this morning and she still acts a little under the weather. The rest of the flock still seems fine, should I treat them?

Her eye is a little gunky this morning and she still acts a little under the weather. The rest of the flock still seems fine, should I treat them?

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