Hen Laid Egg of Different Size (and color)


9 Years
Apr 13, 2010
Oakland, CA
Went out today to find an egg in the best about half the normal size my Rhode Island Red lays, a darker shade of brown and speckled, when normally they're larger and plain brown.

Did someone sneak into our best box? In seriousness, is this common?


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Went out today to find an egg in the best about half the normal size my Rhode Island Red lays, a darker shade of brown and speckled, when normally they're larger and plain brown.

Did someone sneak into our best box? In seriousness, is this common?
How old is she? Is she starting to molt?
Likely a glitch in the shell gland.
That looks like a first laid egg. Do you have any pullets that were close to laying, if not sometimes just before or after molt they can do this occasionally, I had a 2.5 year old when she came outta molt was laying them tiny first laid egg size ones, boy was that a shock lol

And depends on your flock,I've had one flock that with 12 nests for 17 hens all had to use just one nest to lay in, current clock they at least use 4 of them, unless they are gonna help a broody sneak in a hatch, used to have one broody that thought she could sit on 30 eggs lol almost changed her name to "thinks she's super chicken"
How old is she? Is she starting to molt?
Likely a glitch in the shell gland.
My first thought too.

...or, what's inside of it?, could be a...
Fairy, fart, wind, rooster eggs are usually from a tiny piece of tissue breaking loose from the reproductive tract, or an immature ova(yolk) and the body forms an egg around it. Color can be darker than 'normal' as the pigment coating released has to cover a much smaller area so is thicker. Can happen with any age layer, but more common with new or older layers.
Thanks all! She's about 8 months old and has been laying for a few months (I think
We adopted her about a month ago).

We haven't cracked it open yet but will tomorrow.

The flock size is her and one other chicken, a White Leghorn of the same age.

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