Hen layed soft ruptured egg Please Help!!!

Desert Rooster

El Gallo Del Desierto
9 Years
Sep 4, 2010
Hesperia, Ca

AGE: 1yo

BEEN LAYING SINCE: She started laying last November

WHAT HAS SHE BEEN EATING: I give them Layer pellets

SYMPTOMS: She layed a soft egg that was ruptured, but the whole thing came out.


I noticed that she was standing by herself in the run, so i picked her up, and i noticed some thick clear fluid coming out her vent.
So i put her back on the floor, and i opened the coop door to let them in so they can roost since it was getting dark.

She walked inside and hopped on the nest box and just stood there, so i opened the nest box from the outside to look at her, and egg yoke started to come out her vent, then
th soft egg shell started to come out then stopped so i gently pulled it out and was able to pull it out intact then she jumped off and hopped on the the roost with the others.

Will she be OK???

Do i have to give her a warm bath even though i was able to get the soft egg shell intact????

I also noticed that she started panting a bit after she hopped on the roost
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I would add oyster shell if you don't already. Some hens seem to need more calcium. I like to offer it separately so they can decide whether they want it.
OMG! The same thing happened to me last week with my 10month old RIR, Ruby. I freaked out! I gave her more oyster shell and some extra vitamin D crushed in her food for a few days. Someone on this site also said to cut back on the treats and make sure she ate more feed and it worked! She laid one more shellless egg and then none for 2 days and today a perfectly shaped egg. Oh happy day! I hope she's over the hump now. So hang in there and I think your sweet chick will be OK. I know how you feel...I was so worried.
She seems better today.
I got them Oyster shell today, how do i feed it to them??? do i mix it with there feed, or do i offer it free choice????
We have a RIR who laid soft eggs for probably a year no matter how much calcium we gave her. Some chickens just do this. But she also started internally laying after a while and we had to have her spayed.
But as long as the eggs come out she should be fine. Watch her for becoming eggbound though. One of our chickens gets eggbound with just hard yolks...

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