Hen laying Soft eggs


12 Years
Jul 9, 2010
Gulf Coast MS
I have a Barred Rock that runs loose in the yard and last week she started laying eggs in an old flower pot on the deck every morning at about 6:30 which is perfect for breakfast and a short walk to get it, the first 4 eggs were fine but the last 2 were too soft to pick up. What do I need to do? I feed her scratch, starter and laying pellets that have some kind of birdseed looking stuff in it, I think it's from Purina.
Try giving her oyster shell for more calcium. That might work.
What percentage of scratch is she getting to layer feed? Sometimes if they eat too many treats they don't get the good balance of nutrients and calcium.

And ditto with the oyster shell.
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How old is she? Has she moulted recently, or is she currently moulting?

(I have a quail that sometimes lays soft eggs. Most of the time she doesn't lay any eggs at all. I just don't mind if she stops all together, because I don't want her to have problems that cause her pain, illness, or death. She's too sweet.)
Do you give her more scratch than layer pellets?

Try give her some Oyster Shell for calcium, also crushed egg shells could help. But take precautions if feeding crushed egg shells.
My hen runs around the yard with a Banty Golden Seabright and I usually give them half scratch and half laying pellets bit I noticed that they were not eating all on the pellets but the scratch is always gone, about twice a week I give them some starter when I'm feeding the baby Banty Frizzle Orp and Japanese. I also have 2 Delaware rocks and 1 Orp rooster in another pen that I feed mostly scratch, should I be feeding them something else? They also get a little starter and grower feed once in a while. I'm guessing the Roos will end up in a pot soon, should I feed them something to get them ready for the freezer?

I noticed my banty has been getting his freak on with the hen. Do mixed breed chickens have mixed breed chicks? What would a banty seabright and a barred rock make?
Scratch is like candy. It's a treat. Just like a kid, if given a choice they will eat candy first. If you have a flock of different ages, and they are not all laying age, try feeding flock raiser but offer oyster shell free choice. Try backing off the scratch for a while so that they get enough proper nutrition. Hope that helps.
I have three Chickens did have four ,but it died suddenly other three ok but I get more than one egg a day and the other is soft and is found on the floor not in the nest .I feed them with mixed corn and layer pellets plus a small amount of grit ,and fresh water ever day also the nest and coop are cleaned every day .What am I doing wrong Ratty

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