Hen lays soft shell and egg yolk/white separately and consistently


6 Years
Aug 10, 2017
Northern Wisconsin
I have a golden wyandotte that lays (or more accurately poops out) just a soft shell and the yolk/whites of the egg separately, usually on the dropping board, about 2 times a week for a few weeks now. Sometimes she'll change it up by laying the egg all intact, except its just the membrane, no shell. Other times she will lay these weird chunks of eggs? I don't think there is any yolk in them, just chunks of calcium about the size of a quarter. I have 5 laying hens (including her) but almost never get 5 eggs, so although I haven't noticed the separate laying of the shell and yolk months ago, she has not been laying well for months now I'm assuming. Does anyone know what could possibly be causing this issue? They have roundworms which I am going to worm them soon, but the others are doing fine. She has access to free choice oyster shells as well, and my other hen's shells are strong. Is there anything I can do to fix this problem or is it just a problem with her reproduction system?
That is a tough one. If your other hens are fine then it might just be her system. Do you know for sure she's getting calcium? My hens were laying membrane eggs for a lil bit and its caused by lack of calcium.
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That is a tough one. If your other hens are fine then it might just be her system. Do you know for sure she's getting calcium? My hens were laying membrane eggs for a lil bit and its caused by lack of calcium.
She has access to free choice oyster shells, so if she needed more calcium she is able to get it. I'm guessing its maybe just her system, but hopefully there is something I can do.
Hard chunks of calcium, did you try to cut them in half...got pics???
I did not try to cut them in half, they were kind of soft, its hard to describe. Unfortunately I do not have any pictures, but I will make sure to take some next time it happens.
I did not try to cut them in half, they were kind of soft, its hard to describe. Unfortunately I do not have any pictures, but I will make sure to take some next time it happens.
Definitely do so.
Calcium would not be soft.

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