One of our older RSL hens, Drumstick, is limping! DD and I examined her foot and leg, and there is no evidence of injury. The leg is not noticeably hotter or colder than her 'good' leg, and her foot pads are not discolored or swollen. We also felt the feathered part of her leg and she didn't act like it bothered her; I moved all the joints around like a physical therapist would do and she didn't peck at me or give me the stink eye. What should we do? She seems to be eating and drinking OK, and her poop looks pretty well within normal limits. She also doesn't appear or feel to be losing weight. She is less active but I'm not sure whether that is because she hurt her leg, or whether the leg is a symptom of something else that would also make her move around less.
She is our egg-eater; she hasn't laid a 'good' egg in about 2 months and the ones she has laid, she eats almost before they hit the bottom of the nest box.
Any advice is much appreciated; I can post pics of how she stands if someone thinks that would help. We have no vet here who treats poultry, so if a more expert person thinks she needs treatment I will have to get whatever is needed from the farm store and treat her myself.
She is our egg-eater; she hasn't laid a 'good' egg in about 2 months and the ones she has laid, she eats almost before they hit the bottom of the nest box.
Any advice is much appreciated; I can post pics of how she stands if someone thinks that would help. We have no vet here who treats poultry, so if a more expert person thinks she needs treatment I will have to get whatever is needed from the farm store and treat her myself.