Hen-nah wishes to say hello!

So glad you decide to rejoin us.
Thank you all so much! I remembered that this site was so friendly and helpful, and I remember being a participant in many great conversations! I even helped a few new eggs myself with my trials and tribulations raising chickens for the first time! LOL!

Amy AKA Hen-Nah
Thank you ever so!

Well...trouble in paradise! I free-ranged my chickens today to get the worms in the nice moist ground and was taking video of them having fun. Then all the sudden my roo attacked me from across the yard! I jumped at first as he spurred me, but really jumped when his beak went into my ankle and drew blood! I stood my ground as best I could given the shock, however, the battle continued to rage in his mind. Bleeding out my ankle I ran for the plastic rake and then he submitted (and a scoop kick that lifted and threw him unharmed a few feet to get the rake). My boyfriend watched the whole thing...but didn't have his shoes on to help me. I told him later that I needed my "roo" to help me out! LOL!

Anywhooo...I had this very problem with a very testosterone driven banty who chased me 1/2 an acre if he saw me! Lucky for both of these males I understand and respect their role in the flock. However, I will not live in fear of gardening or being in my own yard! Now, he won't let me near the coop at all! Uhggggg! I will cage him for a while on the next offence, but I am mindful of his role and do not wish him to 'lose face'. I just fear he will attack my poodle and family. Guess he is comfortable now and is assuming the full role of the rooster he is!

I will do more research (I am a nurse, that is what we do...LOL!), but dang...that little blue legged roo got me several times good! I must have jumped as far as he could upwards on the first hit! LOL!

Ahhhhh...the characteristics of chickens! LOL!


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