Hen nesting in bad spot, can I move her?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 2, 2010
Sanford NC
One of my hens has decided to set on her (and others) eggs and is in a bad spot. She's up on a ledge in the coop and the only thing I worry about is how she will manage the chicks when they hatch. How can I move her and the eggs without disrupting the hatch? Thanks for any suggestions!
some times when you move a hen when she is broody she mite not like the new nest and not sit on the eggs and go back to the old spot if this happens just put some wire around her so she cant go back and she will take to the new nest I have had to do this many times and it always worked for me. just be easy with the eggs when moving them .
You can probably get away with it at night, well after dark. But take everything including her nesting material, as she will be more likely to accept the move this way. I would not do this unless you have a good way to confine her, such as a broody pen or large dog crate, as she will most likely to try to move back.

Or -- you can leave her alone. It's not really such a bad spot, since it's in the coop. Many a chick has hatched in an old fashioned hay loft. They ordinarily survive the jump/fly/fall from the height just fine. Once they're down, mama will follow and make a nest in a different spot. The only trouble will be if one leaves the nest before mama and the others are ready. Ordinarily, the new chicks will stay under mama for a day or so, til she leaves the nest to teach them to eat and drink.

Good luck!

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