Hen not eating since Suprelorin implant

I should have been more succinct. I was able to easily tube-feed my hen the Harrison's Recovery Formula because it is just a powder added to water, but I am unable to do the same for blended pellets because they usually cause syringes to get jammed, and they can't go through a tube at all.
I did ask a vet what I can do to feed my hen with a syringe without the syringe jamming. The vet showed me how to use scissors to cut a syringe's opening to allow baby food and blended pellets into it, and that's what I did, but it didn't work very well. The pellets still caused the syringe to jam. I got frustrated to the point that I broke this syringe. I still have one other syringe without a tube attached that I can use, though.
I need specific instructions for how to mix blended pellets and water so that I can syringe-feed my hen. Otherwise, I will just keep wasting pellets and getting frustrated because of the syringe jamming.
The pellets still caused the syringe to jam. I got frustrated to the point that I broke this syringe. I still have one other syringe without a tube attached that I can use, though.
I need specific instructions for how to mix blended pellets and water so that I can syringe-feed my hen. Otherwise, I will just keep wasting pellets and getting frustrated because of the syringe jamming.
@casportpony do you have any tips for using pellets to tube feed?
If one has a catheter tip syringe you can soak the pellets in hot water. Once good and mushy, I use a stick blender and that seems to work okay.

A less expensive option to the Harrison's is Kaytee Exact baby bird food which you can get at Petsmart, petco, and some Walmarts
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