Hen not laying


6 Years
May 23, 2017
Recently the past week one of our ISA brown hens has stopped playing and we have no idea which one and why. They all look the same and All look healthy nothing noticeable nothing around there vents. We usually don’t have a problem with one not laying they each lay an egg a day and rarely miss a day. I’m wondering what I should do now?
How old are birds?
Do you free range?
Could be the heat reducing production.

They are almost a year old.
They do not free range but have plenty of boredom busters.
It could be because of heat but it hasn’t been any hotter then a week ago when they were all laying.
I’m really worried because this is not really normal for them and I have no idea what’s wrong or if their egg binding or what!
Watch them walk away from you , any feathers missing from the back or red puffy skin?

I’ve had isa and they are great layers but by 1 - 1 1/2 years they slow down and die.

I’m hoping you knew that by buying a hybrid bird you’d get great egg production for a short time? Mine layed once a day for 14 months , then every second day and by 16 months they started dieing..... we culled the rest because they were very skinny
They are almost a year old.
They do not free range but have plenty of boredom busters.
It could be because of heat but it hasn’t been any hotter then a week ago when they were all laying.
I’m really worried because this is not really normal for them and I have no idea what’s wrong or if their egg binding or what!
Free range question was for hidden nests.
They(she) may just be slowing down, I wouldn't jump to the 'egg bound' conclusion quite so quick. Give them a good physical exam, look for swollen belly, external parasites, odd droppings, etc. Watch for any odd behaviors like not eating and drinking, isolation from the flock, odd walking gait.

How many birds total?
None have missed not even one day of laying since they started?
Watch them walk away from you , any feathers missing from the back or red puffy skin?

I’ve had isa and they are great layers but by 1 - 1 1/2 years they slow down and die.

I’m hoping you knew that by buying a hybrid bird you’d get great egg production for a short time? Mine layed once a day for 14 months , then every second day and by 16 months they started dieing..... we culled the rest because they were very skinny
I understand that, but they all seem so healthy and aren’t even a year old! I can’t believe they would stop so fast!
Free range question was for hidden nests.
They(she) may just be slowing down, I wouldn't jump to the 'egg bound' conclusion quite so quick. Give them a good physical exam, look for swollen belly, external parasites, odd droppings, etc. Watch for any odd behaviors like not eating and drinking, isolation from the flock, odd walking gait.

How many birds total?
None have missed not even one day of laying since they started?
Not even a day, they are amazing layers which is why her stopping surprised me so much! There are five hens total and they all have lots of room in the coop.
Could they be moulting? Have you seen feathers on the ground ? I just noticed mine are , that’s what made me think about yours.... I feed mine a can of tuna , or cottage cheese or Cooked eggs... just to jumpstart their protein levels .

I’m glad you knew about isa birds, we enjoyed them til they started to decline ... good luck

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