Hen or Roo...again, sorry


9 Years
Sep 8, 2010
Well it has been brought to my attention that yet another one of my "hens" might actually be a roo. What do you think? Do I have a Lily or a Lenny?

Sorry, age would have been helpful. This chicken is about 10 weeks...born Jan. 21.
That's a tough one.
Look at his/her wings. The first sign my BLRW roos showed was deep red shiny feathers on their shoulders. You may have to pick him/her up and look though the wing/shoulder feathers to find them since they start out small, hidden behind other feathers. I find with this breed those are easier to identify males with than hackles.
Well shoot. I see those dark shiny deep red feathers you are talking about when I pick them up and look through the feathers on the shoulders. But what do the hens have then? I see those dark red shiny feathers on my other chicken that I am almost positive is a roo too though? Really, a roo then?

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