Hen or Roo?

Well, it's a Silver Laced Wyandotte. Is it supposed to be the same age as the others? It might have hatched from a pullet's egg, which are smaller than an adult hen's eggs are, thus hatching out a smaller than average chick that will eventually catch up in size. Or it be something genetic and will always be smaller and take longer to develop than the others.
Well, it's a Silver Laced Wyandotte. Is it supposed to be the same age as the others? It might have hatched from a pullet's egg, which are smaller than an adult hen's eggs are, thus hatching out a smaller than average chick that will eventually catch up in size. Or it be something genetic and will always be smaller and take longer to develop than the others. 
Well it's 'suppose' to be the same....!!! Time will tell what the go is I guess! Her wings are sticking out the sides today - the kids are calling her a whipper snipper!! Lol
Here's a photo for comparison....it's very cute & chirps & cheers like mad when it's not with the light sussex

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