Hen or Roo?


5 Years
Apr 9, 2014
We bought her as a "hen" but she is starting to show some Roo behaviors. She doesn't crow but she keeps mounting every other hen we have.
[/IMG]Anyone know just from looking at her? She is a brahma about 5-6 months old

Welcome to BYC!

Congrats, you have a roo! You can tell he is a cockerel by looking at his long hackle feathers and the long saddle feathers that are growing. His comb and wattles are really developing now as well.

He is very pretty!! Do you plan on keeping him?? If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. Welcome to our flock and enjoy this beautiful bird!
This is my gold laced wyandotte at 4 weeks old and my question is how old does it have to be before I can tell if it is a roo or hen... It is the dominant one among all of the hens...all red stars.. help me learn how to tell. It is getting its wattles and has a red comb coming in kind of wide comb.. ??? love my babies...
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! A better picture would help, but I am seeing saddle feathers etc on him also, Brahmas are big birds and often really slow maturing.
This is my gold laced wyandotte at 4 weeks old and my question is how old does it have to be before I can tell if it is a roo or hen... It is the dominant one among all of the hens...all red stars.. help me learn how to tell. It is getting its wattles and has a red comb coming in kind of wide comb.. ??? love my babies... [/quote) He is a cockerel, that is a lot of wattle I see and it's very red.
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