Hen or Roo?


Mar 30, 2015
Hello everyone!
Our girls (I hope) will be 7 wks old this Saturday. We bought them from TSC as Isa Browns. I'm leaning toward hens with these 2 but thought I'd get some other opinions.
I question LUNA only because she's always been lighter (more yellow hues than reds) and she is slightly larger (longer??) than the others.
I question SOPHIE due to her back feathers seemed disheveled more often than not and her beak is darker than the others. All our girls have a single comb and no wattles to speak of. These are just small differences then what the other girls have and my husband says he doesnt see it. Probably just me, but it's making me crazy wondering, any opinions on your end?

LUNA (pic taken 5/6/15)

SOPHIE (pic taken 5/6/15) (bottom right is her taken at 5 wks to show front view of comb)

Thank you for taking a look and your opinions :)
ISA browns are sex links - females feather in mostly brown/red with white markings of varying degrees - as all your birds have. If they had been male they would feather in nearly all white with red markings over the wing bows. "Sex links" are bred to be sexed at hatch because male and female chicks are different in color, pattern or feathering rate.

ETA - the differences you are seeing are simply the differences between two individual birds rather than differences that would be tied to gender.
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ISA browns are sex links - females feather in mostly brown/red with white markings of varying degrees - as all your birds have. If they had been male they would feather in nearly all white with red markings over the wing bows. "Sex links" are bred to be sexed at hatch because male and female chicks are different in color, pattern or feathering rate.

ETA - the differences you are seeing are simply the differences between two individual birds rather than differences that would be tied to gender.
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! I'll take that answer all day long! Thank you Ol Grey Mare! Now I can add more pink to the deco inside the coop! Woo Hoo!
Thanks Wyandottes7! I wish I could do like you all do and see right off what breed/gender everyone's chicks are or know exactly how to treat an ailment etc. I'll get there one day! :)

Yes - you will get there - it just takes time and experience. No one is born knowing all this stuff
Keep on asking questions - and don't be afraid to ask for the "why" of an answer you get.

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