Hen or Rooster?


5 Years
Jun 22, 2016
This is one of my Buff Orpington 16 week old chickens. I'm wondering if she might actually be a he? They were all supposed to be hens but we're not opposed to having a rooster so we will be keeping her either way. I have another Buff Orpington that is larger but this one has a bigger comb and wattles and the tail feathers are starting to look different. I haven't noticed any rooster personality. Sorry for the poor quality of the pictures but I was trying to zoom in for a better view. Thanks so much!

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Sorry for posting this question twice!! This is my first time posting on here and I thought I hadn't posted correctly the first time. Hopefully I'll get better at this :)
Looks like a Cockerel....Orpingtons are late bloomers & that one's comb & wattle very read for 16wks :(  Orpintons are great, wait for the egg or crow, you'll know soon.

Thanks! Do you know what age Orpingtons usually start to crow? We're happy with a hen or rooster :) This is our first flock.
I think that this one is a pullet! I haven't seen any comb or wattle growth at all since posting that last picture. We got our first egg this weekend and I *think* it was actually from this chicken! (she also started doing the "squat" recently) Someone said that sometimes the comb will turn really red right before laying, so that would make sense. We also ended up with a definite rooster and this chicken has never acted aggressive towards him at all.
I think that this one is a pullet! I haven't seen any comb or wattle growth at all since posting that last picture. We got our first egg this weekend and I *think* it was actually from this chicken! (she also started doing the "squat" recently) Someone said that sometimes the comb will turn really red right before laying, so that would make sense. We also ended up with a definite rooster and this chicken has never acted aggressive towards him at all.

I discovered her laying this morning... so obviously she's not a rooster

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