Hen or Rooster

Does anyone have any tips on telling the sex of the chickens at this age? Other than crowing? I have 3 that crow and the two I posted pictures of have never crowed but are around the same age as the others.
I feel stupid for asking all these things but this is my first time raising chickens.
3 just started one is learning and we have a 2 year old rooster as well. It’s craziness
It’s a long story but to try and keep it short it all began with a stray chicken one morning I found nesting in the weeds by the driveway. ( I mean who has a stray chicken wandering up? A cat ,or dog yeah I have seen that but a chicken? 😂) Anyway no one around us had chickens we checked and we just so happened to have the perfect place for her and Flora became our first chicken. A few days later my sister in law is bringing over 10 small chickens, a grown hen and a grown rooster 🤦🏻‍♀️I was told 5 of the small ones hen and 5 roosters. So far there’s one confirmed hen from the small ones, stray chicken flora. Then boom mystery egg in the rooster coop. 🤣🤣 never a dull moment.
Look at the saddle feathers on the back right before the tail- long pointy feathers means male(after about 12-16 weeks old) , rounded feathers means female. To check see who is laying, after the roost at night pick up the hens and feel for the pelvic bones on either side of the vent, lying hens bones will be more than 2 fingers apart.

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