Hen or rooster

To Rachel1977..He's a pretty, handsome thing whatever the breed/cross....Not a pure blooded Barred Rock....Actually looks like a Barred Rock Male crossed with a New Hampshire Female....This was years ago a very common broiler cross not done by hatcheries anymore...Did you get it from a hatchery or private sale?......If it is REALLY BIGGER than the others could be one of those Dark Broilers that are popular now.....What do the pullets look like?......Exactly what did you ask for or buy?....If you like roosters he looks good to have in the yard and will look better when grown ...Best To You...
It's a rooster. Look at those tail feathers and that waddle. How old is it?
To Rachel1977..He's a pretty, handsome thing whatever the breed/cross....Not a pure blooded Barred Rock....Actually looks like a Barred Rock Male crossed with a New Hampshire Female....This was years ago a very common broiler cross not done by hatcheries anymore...Did you get it from a hatchery or private sale?......If it is REALLY BIGGER than the others could be  one of those Dark Broilers that are popular now.....What do the pullets look like?......Exactly what did you ask for or buy?....If you like roosters he looks good to have in the yard and will look better when grown ...Best To You...    
Looks like a cross of some sort. Definitely not a purebred barred rock. It appears to have a double or pea comb. Barred rocks have a single comb.
He is almost 5 months old an he was purchased at are local tractor supply store in feb. I was supposed to have picked all pullets there was supposed to be 10 leghorns 5 black sex links and 5 RIR all hens I guess where ever the store got ten from miss sexed one of them cuz the guy at the store told me they are all hens so guess I now have a rooster now do I have to do anything different when the hens start laying I don't want baby chicks I just want the eggs
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He is almost 5 months old an he was purchased at are local tractor supply store in feb. I was supposed to have picked all pullets there was supposed to be 10 leghorns 5 black sex links and 5 RIR all hens I guess where ever the store got ten from miss sexed one of them cuz the guy at the store told me they are all hens so guess I now have a rooster now do I have to do anything different when the hens start laying I don't want baby chicks I just want the eggs

The only way you'll get chicks is if a hen goes broody and you let her sit on the eggs. If you collect eggs everyday you shouldn't have to worry about more babies. :)
Other than that, he's really pretty and if he turns out to be a docile but protective rooster, that's pretty invaluable. A good rooster will find treats for your girls, alert them to danger, and could possibly help protect them. :)
Thank you everyone for the advice ill keep the forum updated with pictures of the girls an our new found rooster Luke thank u I love this website it has helped me with our pets
Here is a couple more pics of Luke are new found rooster with the hens

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