Hen or rooster?


5 Years
Sep 8, 2014
We we're give two chicks in June and need to know if hens or rooster? Can any one help?

I too Agree, I heard that Chicks that grow their tail earlier than Other chicks are likely to be a rooster. I have not raised chicks sense I heard about it but it sound reasonable to me.
I too Agree, I heard that Chicks that grow their tail earlier than Other chicks are likely to be a rooster. I have not raised chicks sense I heard about it but it sound reasonable to me.

Red Sex Link gender is easy to identify by color. Males are white with a few reddish feathers in the saddle area; females are reddish with white underfluff (like these).
I too Agree, I heard that Chicks that grow their tail earlier than Other chicks are likely to be a rooster. I have not raised chicks sense I heard about it but it sound reasonable to me.

Actually, as a general "rule" at about the 2 week mark in most breeds the chicks that have tails coming in are female and those without are male. Males, in general, tend to feather out more slowly than females. This should never be seen/used as a hard and fast method to determine gender, but it is one tool in the toolbox that a lot of folks use in making those early guesses on non sex-linked birds.
Would u mind if I piggyback on this thread. Raised these babies from eggs.

No idea who is a boy and who is a girl







Would really appreciate any help

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