Hen possible respiratory illness


Jul 27, 2018
Hi there my frizzle hen (about 2 years old) has not been acting like her normal self for about a week now. She has stopped laying (which isn’t uncommon for her as she is a show breed). She has had heavy breathing and just not been generally active (stays in the coop when all the other hens run out to me for treats, stands in the corner of the fence, etc.) and just started head shaking this morning. She is free range and roosts in the coop at night. Eats later crumble feed and I put ACV in her water.

She is eating drinking and pooping fine. I think she was exposed to moldy feed there were some chunks stuck together in the feed bag. I disposed of the feed, put molasses in their water this morning (which I read was a laxative to clear their system of the feed). I brought her inside gave her some scrambled eggs and epsom salt water.

Here are her concerning symptoms: heavy breathing, head shaking (no mites or lice), beak bubbles after drinking, poop sticking to vent feathers, general but not severe weakness, no egg laying.

I initially thought heat stroke because it’s been upper 90’s here in Central Valley California, but she didn’t improve even after ice water and being inside in the AC for a day. I’m thinking something respiratory due to the moldy feed.

Any ideas on what she has and how I can treat it. Vet is not an option for me, there are no local vets that care for chickens. Thanks!


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Here are her concerning symptoms: heavy breathing, head shaking (no mites or lice), beak bubbles after drinking, poop sticking to vent feathers, general but not severe weakness, no egg laying.
Beak bubbles after drinking? Explain that more.
Check her crop to make sure it's empty in the morning before she eats/drinks.

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