Hen raised chicks...


7 Years
Jul 17, 2014
I have 3 new baby chicks possibly a few more on the way. I'm letting the broody hen raise them. I have a large enclosed coop and run that the mom and chicks stay in. In the evening I open the coop to let my roo and other 5 hens in to roost in the coop. Let them out in the morning but mom and the little ones stayed closed in. My question is what age do the chicks need to be to be let out to free range with the others?
I guess I forgot to say that I live I. Texas out in the country and I'm worried about chicken hawks! I'm wondering when they become more aware of predators?
My hen took hers out after the third day, she kept them close to the coop door... Now they are a week old and she has them all over the yard.... I have another hen hatching chicks as we speak and she waits all of one day, her chicks are the most hardy , can find food quicker on their own etc..
I would just open the door and let her decide what to do with them. My hens all hatch within the flock, unless I have "nest hoppers" (in which case, they go into a hutch to sit on their eggs, then I open the door once they're hatched). I try not to close anyone off and let the hens do their thing. When you're free ranging, there's always the possibility of loosing them...no matter how big or small.
Good luck!
The hen raising them knows better then you or any of us ever will.

Let her figure it out
I guess my other concern is that the coop is about 4 feet off the ground. The ladder is made of a 2x6 so it is only 6" wide and I was worried about them falling and/or not being able to get back up to the coop!
I guess my other concern is that the coop is about 4 feet off the ground. The ladder is made of a 2x6 so it is only 6" wide and I was worried about them falling and/or not being able to get back up to the coop!

I would watch them, Momma should show them how to go up.. Is it a ramp or a ladder? A ladder may be harder to negotiate for them.

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