Hen? Roo? breed?


11 Years
Apr 2, 2008
I don't know the breed... maybe a plymouth barred cross?
THe comb is HUGe but he/she hasn't started crowing and it doesn't act aggressive at all. I haven't noticed her nesting, though...
It came in a mishmosh from MM and is 36 weeks.

Definitely an Ancona. Our hen didn't start laying until she was 5 1/2 months old.

Hard to tell from that pic if hen or roo... Can you post a clearer pic?
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Wow! You are right. I googled the Ancona breed and sure enough, there was a pic that looked just like her... even down to the floppy comb. Even the peep photo was just as she was as a baby.

So, I am satisfied that this is a hen and not a rooster, because really the only roosterlike thing she had about her was her big floppy comb. Turns out all the Anconas have these... and they are late layers... so I am still hoping that she is a she. SHe has a hen shaped tail, and a more ladylike look about her.

Not to mention, they are a "nonsitting" breed... perhaps this is why i haven't seen her hanging out in the nest box.

YOU ROCK. Thank you for your help!
Here's a better pic up close...


The poor thing in the background is a Delaware that I am hoping to rehab and grow the feathers back. it's only supposed to be a year old... I hope it's just in moult.

The one in the bottom is my Wyandotte that lays huge eggs.
I know nothing of Ancona's but can't believe she hasn't started to lay eggs at 36 weeks old. Maybe that's normal for that breed?
Yep, I think pullet too.

Our Delaware is over 2 years old and going through her molt now too. Poor thing looks like something the cat dragged in; covered in quills and new feathers not out all the way yet.

Give your molter some extra protein and calcium.... yogurt works.

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