Hen Saddles

You're welcome!! If you get a picture I would LOVE to see it! That was one huge saddle!
I ordered one before but my hen wouldn't have anything to do with it. I still have it, but now I think I need one for our black Jersey Giant hen. She's a big girl, so I'm guessing she would need an XL? Also not only are her back feathers worn, but her breast bone is sore and featherless from rubbing on the ground when the rooster mounts her, I guess. Is there a saddle that would cover that part of her also? How would the hen scratch, if she has an itch, and the itchy part is covered with the saddle? And wouldn't this be a haven for lice, etc, that would take cover when the bird goes to dust bathe? The parts under the saddle wouldn't be reached by the dust bath, would they?
Yes, the parts under the saddle can easily get the 'dust' from any dust bath and if proper care is taken with the saddles there's very very little chance of getting lice (we've actually never had a customer get lice from having our saddles on). They do need to be cleaned and once the feathers have grown back they can be taken off.
I have talked to several people who make them and no one is able to make one covering her back and breastbone so I guess this isn't possible? It's thought the hen might get caught up in it. I'm getting ready to put Flossie in a hospital pen so her feathers will grow out before cold weather sets in..just letting her enjoy these Indian Summer days before I coop her up. :/

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