Hen saver / apron do they really work??


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 22, 2009
Was just wondering if anyone has actually used the hen saver or hen aprons due to rooster wear?? My RIR roo is really wearing the backs of my girls and I found all the info on the 2 different products and I guess the crisscross designed ones are better. Also has anyone used them in the summer or are they to hot for the hens??
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Someone sent me 2 in a swap, I put one on one of my girls and the roosters attacked her, they did not like the chicken saddle! Maybe if you start them out young with them? But mine are a year old and have never seen one before... I had to hurry up and take it off her!
Yes they do work!..I have 3 hens that all wear one...After two of the hens getting their sides ripped open by our Roo I had to do something...The all happily wear their aprons...They are all healed up nicely and growing new feathers...They were a life saver for us!

I haven't researched them at all, and saw this thread. I have about five hens with broken feathers caused by a rooster. Is the saddle something that you keep on the hens ALL of the time? I realize that it will protect them from the rooster damage. But really, it makes me think of me wearing a bra 24/7/365. Like I said, I haven't researched the hen saddle thing. I posted this spur of the moment because I saw the thread.
I'm wondering the same, how long do they stay on? Obviously until you see new feather growth but what is that 1 - 2 - 3 months??
LOL I have three of them for my three cuckoo girls. Their husband is a gentle roo, but he's a very big boy and does break their feathers. So I put one on my one of the girls and haven't got around to putting them on the others yet because well, the cuckoo's are a little flighty and it's a pain. It's hot pink. She's now the big boys favorite.

I wondered too about leaving them on in the summer. So far my girl has been wearing hers for about a month. I have to sneak in the coop after they go to bed to outfit the others.
I bought mine from these folks....My girls have had them on for a couple of months now...They don't seem bothered by them at all so I really am not concerned about them wearing them 24/7...Of course if I see differently I will take them off...The aprons lift up off of their backs and they do get airflow under them...They are able to do anything they could do without the aprons on...They really have helped me with the situation we were having...


I have one hen that wears one all the time, shoulder protectors included. She's my roo's favorite by far. Take it off once a week to wash it, other than that it's on her. Take it off more than overnight and she freaks when I put it back on; walks around backwards for at least a day.
Without it she looks like a refugee from a battery house. I know it's not my roo's fault, even if he is a big boy, because she's the only one that looks awful and he mates them all but one.
I like the hen savers because they are a bit stiff and allow for lots of air flow beneath. Mine only minded them for the first day and I put it on in the evening to shorten their time of discomfort. It really does protect them from the rooster and after months of use I haven't noticed any irritation or anything. Also it is a lot of fun to see them "dance" while they try to take them off that first day.

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