Hen separating herself, not eating, yellow poop with some blood and LOTS of plant matter


Sylver Queen

9 Years
Jul 21, 2014
Hello! My 15-month-old barred rock has been gradually declining the last few days. Today is the first day she will not eat out of my hand, and she has not come off the roost from last night. Comb is still a good color, eyes are bright with no discharge, but poop is runny and yellow with LOTS of plant matter in it. I have searched the internet and haven't found an answer to her specific symptoms, so I thought I'd check here.

The last two days she would eat her feed out of my hand if I mixed it with water for her, but today she won't. She feels too light. Her droppings the last 3 days have been getting increasingly yellow, and last night there was a little chunk of blood in one, but they're also full of greens. Grass and clover from their yard. I thought maybe coccidiosis, even though no other birds seem sick and I've never had a chicken come down with it before. But I'm willing to treat her for it if I should, just not sure I can get her to drink the medicated water. Also, I usually treat my hens for worms using safe-guard for goats once a year, just in case, but I haven't yet this year. ‍♀️

I'd like to help my girl. Anyone know why she'd eat so much plant matter but no feed? And the greens she is pooping seem not well broken down even though she has ample grit. Sick chicky. Hm...

Thank you!
And how does her crop feel? Is it emptying in the morning? Perhaps the greens she's eating isn't digesting correctly. :confused:
Thank you for replying. I checked crop last night and this morning and it felt about the same, slightly squishy like there was a little bit of water, and maybe a little bit of plant matter in there. Tough to tell, but she definitely pooped some greens last night, and they definitely did not look digested.

I can start my flock on Corid, but does anyone know how to treat a chicken who might not be drinking enough to get the proper dose? My hens do very well when I add liquid wormer to small pieces of bread, and I bet I could get her to take it, but I don't want to shock her system with Corid If she's not getting enough water...?
Thank you for replying. I checked crop last night and this morning and it felt about the same, slightly squishy like there was a little bit of water, and maybe a little bit of plant matter in there. Tough to tell, but she definitely pooped some greens last night, and they definitely did not look digested.

I can start my flock on Corid, but does anyone know how to treat a chicken who might not be drinking enough to get the proper dose? My hens do very well when I add liquid wormer to small pieces of bread, and I bet I could get her to take it, but I don't want to shock her system with Corid If she's not getting enough water...?
Direct drench (syringing it straight into her mouth) in addition to the Corid water to drink is to mix 1/2 teaspoon Corid powder with 2 teaspoons water. Give 0.34 ml per pound of weight orally once a day for 1-3 days.
Has she started laying yet?
Oh yes, and that's another thing! She's been laying beautifully but stopped around when her other symptoms started, maybe sooner. It does not feel like there is a backlog of eggs in her, and it doesn't look like egg material is coming out, so it didn't seem like internal laying or a broken egg inside her. It seems digestive by her symptoms. ‍♀️

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