Hen sick for 2 wks - fluffed, droopy, losing weight, can't perch HELP!


8 Years
Nov 28, 2011
Hi everyone - this is my first post, I would appreciate some HELP PLEASE!

I have a pet chicken I adopted from a humane shelter. She is a Buff Orpington, somewhere around 3 years old.

She was accustomed to being a house chicken and this is her first winter learning to live outside. Starting about 2 weeks ago she stopped perching at night with the others. Instead she would huddle into the hay and put her head under her wing. I assumed she was cold so I would cover her with hay at night. During the day she would go out and peck and scratch like normal.

But over the last week the situation has deteriorated. I am now keeping her in the milk house heated to 60 degrees. She remains fluffed, tail pointed downward. When she walks, she looks like a hunch back, moves very slowly. Eyes half shut to closed all the way. Barely picks at some bread soaked in milk - no interest in seeds, scratch feed, etc..

She has some poop stuck to the feathers around her butt but not too bad. Poops are liquidy and yellowish in color and normal in quantity despite not eating.

She has lost a lot of weight, though she was always a thin, small hen anyway.

Crop feels nonexistent. I don't feel any major lumps or swellings or anything else unusual. Comb and legs look fine. No nasal discharge, sneezing, or other signs of respiratory problems.

She has ALWAYS laid eggs with no shell, or eggs with just the membrane. She has never laid a normal egg to my knowledge.

I have no problems with taking her to the vet. But in my area they just don't have that much knowledge about birds unfortunately.

Could this be worms, infection from an egg, other????? PLEASE HELP! I love this bird and I'll do whatever I have to to help her.

I would treat her for worms, look for mites and lice, and coccidiosis (blood does not have to be seen in stool.) I may also use a general antibiotic, I like LS-50. I think that's all you can do. And vitamins.
they do carry dewormer and i believe stuff for the coccidiosis, i just couldnt find the cocci, its called cordi something, its a yellow and white packet, you mix it in the water, it'll be in the cattle section. you can always ask for help there. good luck hope she feels better
She could also have an inflamed gizzard, and is why she isn't eating, still pooping, loosing weight and huddling into herself. Albon works for that. But you'd need to get it from the vet. If you could, get a stool sample looked at by a vet before you worm just incase it isn't worms. Just something else to consider.
Quick update -

When I got home last night, my hen was laying flat out on her sides with both legs stiff and straight as a board. I thought she was dead. But when I picked her up, she moved her head, and talked to me a little bit. It took a few minutes for her to be able to move her legs. Her wings seemed more drooped and dragging close to the ground.

I was able to get the Corid and dewormer. I mised 4cc of Cordid to 1/2 gallon of water. I was able to syringe almost 10 cc of water into her. She was very eager to drink and just kept swallowing as I let it drip in her beak. She ate maybe a whole Tablespoon full of a high protein conditioner pellet, and a few little pieces of bread. She walked around a few steps and then shut her eyes and sat back on her hocks. I propped her up in a pile of hay with the heater close to her so she stayed warm.

This morning she seems more alert and strong. Strong enough to fight me with the water dropper. She would not take a single drink, but just let it drip down her chest. She also did not eat one bite of food despite my trying and trying.

So I really don't know what to think :-( She is definitely stronger and wasn't quite as wobbly and tipsy, but she wouldn't eat or drink.

She has a ton of new feathers growing in with the casings on them. I never really saw her molt, but she sure has hundreds of new ones. Could this be from the stress of molt? Do they ever get this bad?
I had a small chicken who acted the exact same way for almost 3 wks. I kept her warm as best I could and gave her frequent warm baths and antibiotic though her appetite was low and eratic. She had eaten a large piece of rubberized glue (3"x 0.5 ") but finally passed it. She seems ok now, only pretty weak from the ordeal.

Don't Give Up!


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