Hen sitting on chicken and DUCK eggs


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 2, 2012
South Texas
My Cochin hen is hatching out chicks as I write this. Problem is, she's also sitting on 6 Swedish duck eggs! I'm afraid that once all the chicks hatch she will get off the eggs and the ducks will not get a chance to hatch since they require a several more days of development. Can I use a heat lamp the remaining few days on the duck eggs? Any suggestions?
You can remove the chicks immediately and brood them out of earshot, or you can try to rig up a makeshift incubator. You ae correct in thinking that she will leave the nest with her chicks.
thanks for advice - got home yesterday and she had kicked 5 of the 6 duck eggs out of the nest and they were cold. I candled them and looks like they didn't develop all the way. But my pretty girl did hatch out 6 beautiful assorted chicks (she was sitting on several different chicken eggs)!!!!

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