Hen stopped laying after very short illness


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 16, 2012
San Leandro, CA
I have 5 Silkies that I raised from chicks (each a year old), and all had been doing well and laying eggs. Over the winter, one day, a hen I call Brownie became lethargic and simply sat on the ground in the backyard in the shade. Since it was cold, I moved her into some sunlight to warm up. She sat there for about 5 minutes before getting up (which seemed difficult for her as she used her wings to steady herself) and moved to the shade to sit again. Then she slowly trekked her way back to the run of the coop and sat in the sand. I was worried I was going to lose her, and that night, we placed her into a cardboard box and moved her into the garage to keep her warm. I checked her for breathing issues or injuries, but found none. Fortunately, the next morning, she was standing in the box, and when let out into the backyard, she seemed energetic and back to her old self. However, since that day, she has not laid a single egg. All the other hens have gone in and out of broodiness and continued laying eggs. Brownie has never gone broody, and she continues to sit everyday in the corner of the coop for a set amount of time, as if trying to lay an egg, but doesn't. She seems normal otherwise, running around the backyard, eating and drinking with no issues. Does anyone have any idea as to why Brownie is no longer laying? All I know is she seemed to be ill, recovered the next day, but can't lay eggs any more. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!

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