hen stopped laying

gurls momma

5 Years
Jun 22, 2014
My americauna is 9 months old. She was laying everyday until 3 weeks ago. I've only gotten 3 eggs in 3 weeks. Nothing has changed except it has become very hot here, 90 plus. She free ranges but I did contain her for a while just in case she was laying someplace else. But no luck. She isn't molting or broody. Any ideas?
Heat takes a huge toll. I would attribute it to that. No chance she's laying outside the henhouse is there? If the house is like a furnace I've had mine find a shady spot under the house or a bush. Good luck to you.
Thank you. I'm hoping you are right and it is due to the heat. I have looked everywhere outside the coop for her eggs. I have taken a flashlight to look under our porch, but I can't get under it. From my view , I see no eggs.

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