Hen suddenly very sick. Chalky white/yellow discharge, bad smelling vent. Other details provided, please help

Oh I was so happy to read this!
Did you decide to give anti-fungal cream?
You are doing an amazing job with her.
Yes a gave her 3 doses of Clotrimazole yesterday of 1ml each, early morning, midday, and at bedtime. I think the ACV in water (much more diluted now!) and probiotics are starting to help too.
Good morning folks,

Rusty is still with us and appears to be improving little by little.

Whatever bacteria and bad yeast invaded her system really walloped her a good one.

Based on some peck marks healing up around her eyes and comb and her avoidance behavior when certain members of the flock approach her (she's safe behind a gate, so they can see but not touch), I think it's highly probable she was attacked by some flockmates before I discovered her illness. Rusty is in the middle of the pecking order and a younger hen who is ambitious to move up is the likely perpetrator. So poor Rusty experienced shock in addition to infection.

(Not that she wouldn't do some pecking herself if the opportunity arises. I love my hens, but I have no illusions about them!)

Yesterday, she ate three small meals without choking or much difficulty. A few small burps. I massaged the gas out of her crop a few times. There is less gas this morning, and she ate a small breakfast. She now eats more carefully, then she goes back to rest. She now sleeps deeply at night and has acclimated to being in our patio kitchen with human companionship. She seems to understand that she is sick but is directing her energy toward recuperation.

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Rusty after eating breakfast. Comb down, a little ruffled up, but on her feet and not giving up.

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She just went outside to sunbathe and preen herself!

She looks droopy in this pic, but she's fast asleep, with the left eye open.
Aww.... there's our little star. :love You are doing a wonderful job with her. Glad she is improving, even baby steps are a huge success! 😊

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