Hen taking over Roosters job?

lagrange chicks

Jul 27, 2023
I have 2 easter eggers and 5 bared rocks that are about 7 months old, about 2 months ago I culled my cockerel. Lately I have noticed the largest bared rock acting different when I give them some scratch before nightfall, she does not start eating right away and seems to keep her head up watching and when the scratch is almost gone I see her pick a few bits. Has she took over being flock protector ( there in a predator proof run)? My wife says she is being mother hen which she could be right. I just worry she is sick or something since she use to chase the others from getting to the scratch.
She probably has taken over the roosters job. It's like a dominance thing. Nothing to worry about. She is not sick or anything. I have had many hens do this when I started out raising chickens and would have a rooster once in a while but now I have like 15 roosters so things changed a bit.
She probably has taken over the roosters job. It's like a dominance thing. Nothing to worry about. She is not sick or anything. I have had many hens do this when I started out raising chickens and would have a rooster once in a while but now I have like 15 roosters so things changed a bit.
Thanks for your reply. 15 roosters, wow. We loved our Rooster (cockerel), but I caught him 4 times standing on one of the pullets pecking her bad on the head, last time I found her hiding in a corner with her head hidden, when I checked her over her head was swollen and blood coming out 1 nostril. It's been 2 months I culled him and still miss his crowing.
She has taken on the role of sentinel, not taken over all cockerel's duties, yet. Over the years I've had a lot of hens and pullets do this. These birds are more mindful, and understand that they need to be aware for predators while eating

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