Hen walking funny, tail down


7 Years
Jan 16, 2017
Suburbs of Chicago
My Barred Rock just laid her first egg a few hours ago! I’m letting them free range now and when she first came out of the coop she was walking funny and slow, and her tail feathers were down. I checked her vent and it looks ok. She’s also “peeing” as in clear liquid is coming out and she’s lays no down. Help!!
My Barred Rock just laid her first egg a few hours ago! I’m letting them free range now and when she first came out of the coop she was walking funny and slow, and her tail feathers were down. I checked her vent and it looks ok. She’s also “peeing” as in clear liquid is coming out and she’s lays no down. Help!!
Did the egg have a hard shell or was it a soft shelled egg that collapsed?

It sounds like she has albumen (egg whites) leaking out the vent, so I would suspect that she's having some problems.
She can't lay down or she is laying down?

What do you feed your pullets?
Did the egg have a hard shell or was it a soft shelled egg that collapsed?

It sounds like she has albumen (egg whites) leaking out the vent, so I would suspect that she's having some problems.
She can't lay down or she is laying down?

What do you feed your pullets?

She is laying down. I posted again more recently. She had a large amount of diarrhea come out. She looks ok. Comb and wattles are red.

I feed them layer feed. I started about a month ago because I wasn’t sure when they’d start laying.

The egg had a hard shell
She is laying down. I posted again more recently. She had a large amount of diarrhea come out. She looks ok. Comb and wattles are red.
I feed them layer feed. I started about a month ago because I wasn’t sure when they’d start laying.
The egg had a hard shell
My 21 week old Barred Rock laid her first egg today, around 3:15pm. I went to let them free range for a bit around 4:15, and I noticed she was walking funny, squatting, then laying down. She got up and some clear liquid mixed with diarrhea came out, then she repeated the walking, squatting and laying down. Her tail was also pointing down. I went to get my phone to take a video of her behavior, and when I came out she had clear liquid come out of her vent. I did a quick search and thought she might have another egg coming that got stuck. A mis-fire if you will. I brought her in and soaked her in epsom salts and warm water. I carefully checked inside her vent but I didn't feel anything. I put her in our dog's old kennel with some towels, water, and oyster shells (I don't have any liquid calcium or Nutri-Drench, which I read I should give her).
We had to go to my son's school, so we just got back and I checked on her. Her vent is clean looking. She looks confused but not sick. I took her out to see if I could get her to walk a little, and a large amount of diarrhea came out.
I'm scared and I don't know what to do! I've tried asking on multiple chicken facebook pages but I'm not really getting any sound advice.

It would be good if you keep just one thread so it doesn't get confusing. Not everyone is on all the time.
I understand it's upsetting when one if not feeling well. It sounds like you are doing what you can for her. I would see that she is drinking and offer her some extra calcium.
Photos of her poop may be helpful.
Can she walk o.k.?


It would be good if you keep just one thread so it doesn't get confusing. Not everyone is on all the time.
I understand it's upsetting when one if not feeling well. It sounds like you are doing what you can for her. I would see that she is drinking and offer her some extra calcium.
Photos of her poop may be helpful.
Can she walk o.k.?

I know, but after a couple hours my post got lost and I posted again since I hadn’t heard anything. She wouldn’t really walk other than to go back into the kennel.
It's hard to know what's going on with her.
How long have you had her?
Photos of what she looks like and the poop may be helpful.

She may have a collapsed egg she's trying to expel, you never know, those would be hard to feel, so I would give some extra calcium. See how she does. If she's able to poop, then the egg is not far enough down to block anything yet.

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