Last night my 2.5 year old black cochin bantam hen was wheezing each time she took a breath. I hadn't noticed it the day before and started hearing it last night. She currently has a brood of 5 chicks that she has been raising ever since they hatched. I have been keeping a close eye on them too and I haven't heard any wheezing. The hens breath nor facial area has any sort of smell to it. She is very active, has a good appetite (purina pellets), drinking water, and has normal poo as well as a good body weight. We have put some antibiotics in her water and have given her some soaked bread to help move anything that might have been stuck. She hasn't wheezed at all this morning. She is inside in a crate and is warm. Could something stuck in her crop cause her to wheeze? Is this respiratory? I would like to get her back to her chicks as soon as possible. Thanks ~CG~
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