Hen with Avian Pox?!?


5 Years
Aug 24, 2014
New Orleans
Hello BYC community. I'm a first time chicken owner and I've been doing tons of research on here about chicken ownership. I got a 1year old hen a few weeks ago and as soon as I got her I noticed she was what sounded like sneezing or possibly coughing? But since she was in a new environment I couldn't tell if she was acting weird because of stress or what. I also noticed about 2 weeks ago that she had some white and black scab looking bumps on her comb and waddle that look like avian pox which is what I think it is. Since I noticed the scabs I also noticed she seemed to be pretty lethargic. She sleeps most of the day only getting up to reposition herself or get a sip of water and rarely pecks around. Although today She has been sleeping standing up with her wings slighty away from her body, I think that might be because she's hot? It is in the mid to high 80's here in Louisiana. Her droppings are minimal but look fairly normal for a sick bird I think? they are watery with a little white and green mixed in. I did notice that one of her droppings had a red speck in it I'm not sure I it was blood or not. I've bee giving her a vitamin and electro light mix with apple cider vinegar in her water the last couple days. I guess what I'm asking is their anything else I can do for her and is it normal for them to sleep 85% of the day when they are sick? I'll put a picture in here showin how she's been all day.

I would go and treat her for coccidiosis if you think you saw blood. I've had those black pox scabs run thru my flock this summer. Most of the chickens hardly noticed. One roo looked like he was on death's door with them. Antibiotics won't help. I put some triple antibiotic ointment on them just so I felt I did something. He snapped out of it after a week.

I would also make sure she eats even if you have to use a tube. Give her some chicken feed mush with water. Yes, Casportpony has some great instructions on tube feeding.
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It can be common for a chicken to get coccidiosis ( a new strain they haven't ever been exposed to before) after coming to a new home and soil. Whether she has cocci or is just sick from the pox, I would go ahead and treat for cocci with Corid just because of her symptoms. I would offer her some scrambled egg and some probiotics, until you can get the Corid (amprollium) to treat for cocci.
Thank you everyone for the advice! I'm going to treat her for Cocci with the corid and give her some scrambled eggs. I'll update on how she's doing. :)
Ethal the sick chicken passed this evening. :( Thanks to everyone for the advice though. I'm going to keep a close eye on my other new hen for signs of cocci and I'll be prepared with the supplies I got today for the bird that passed.

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