Hello BYC community. I'm a first time chicken owner and I've been doing tons of research on here about chicken ownership. I got a 1year old hen a few weeks ago and as soon as I got her I noticed she was what sounded like sneezing or possibly coughing? But since she was in a new environment I couldn't tell if she was acting weird because of stress or what. I also noticed about 2 weeks ago that she had some white and black scab looking bumps on her comb and waddle that look like avian pox which is what I think it is. Since I noticed the scabs I also noticed she seemed to be pretty lethargic. She sleeps most of the day only getting up to reposition herself or get a sip of water and rarely pecks around. Although today She has been sleeping standing up with her wings slighty away from her body, I think that might be because she's hot? It is in the mid to high 80's here in Louisiana. Her droppings are minimal but look fairly normal for a sick bird I think? they are watery with a little white and green mixed in. I did notice that one of her droppings had a red speck in it I'm not sure I it was blood or not. I've bee giving her a vitamin and electro light mix with apple cider vinegar in her water the last couple days. I guess what I'm asking is their anything else I can do for her and is it normal for them to sleep 85% of the day when they are sick? I'll put a picture in here showin how she's been all day.