Hen with diarrhea after recovering from illness, otherwise seems heathly


Jun 1, 2020
SE Texas
I have a hen who was sick recently and has seemingly recovered. I am still not sure what made her sick. She still (again?) has diarrhea though which is a bit green so I am concerned. Not bright green, just green. I have read that means various things but they all seems to associated with something that would present other symptoms. She just has diarrhea now and seems completely fine otherwise.

She does not free range because we have fox here. They have a run for when they cannot be supervised and small yard with an electric fence when they can be watched. There is no grass in either.

I have seen her eat so I know she is getting food.

I gave her penicillin for the first 3 days she was ill. I'll that was the cause it should have corrected itself by now.

Once she started feeling better I gave her Safeguard goat wormer for three days (early last week).

I am thinking about putting her back in her cage with probiotics in her water.

I am concerned I am missing something because on the surface she seems fine.

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