Hen with diarrhea


Matilda Belle

May 16, 2018
SE Minnesota
My Coop
My Coop
She is a little over a year old. I feed chick starter and put vitamins and probiotics in water. She is not free range so her diet is consistent. She has always had tummy troubles but lately it seems worse. No other chickens with symptoms. Not wormed. No mites or lice. Could she just have a sensitive stomach?

Sorry for the gross picture but this poop is all hers.


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She is a little over a year old. I feed chick starter and put vitamins and probiotics in water. She is not free range so her diet is consistent. She has always had tummy troubles but lately it seems worse. No other chickens with symptoms. Not wormed. No mites or lice. Could she just have a sensitive stomach?

Sorry for the gross picture but this poop is all hers.
Can you post some photos of the hen and housing?
Taking a sample of poop to your vet for testing would be a good idea.
In the mean time, I would give her a small amount of white rice with buttermilk to see if that helps with the loose stools.
is she laying? just curious and by now she should be on layers ration feed.

She hasn't been laying at all but I think it's because she's molting. I don't use layer feed, but I have oyster shell available 24/7. Chick starter and oyster shell was recommended by several members on this forum.
Can you post some photos of the hen and housing?
Taking a sample of poop to your vet for testing would be a good idea.
In the mean time, I would give her a small amount of white rice with buttermilk to see if that helps with the loose stools.

I will try to get some pictures of her and the house later on (it's raining now).

I will try the rice.

Not sure if it's relevant, but she drinks quite a bit and always has a crop full of water. Just thought I'd let you know that as well.
Here are a few pictures of the coop I took in the spring.

EDIT: The last photo was taken last year (and I since added on to the run).


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I will try the rice.
Not sure if it's relevant, but she drinks quite a bit and always has a crop full of water. Just thought I'd let you know that as well.
Nice coop and run!
Check her crop first thing in the morning before she has had anything to eat/drink - it should be empty or flat. If it's still full, then she's got a crop issue - read the article below and let us know if this is part of her problem.


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